The Chair of VoiVa, Sirkka Perttu is a registered nurse specialised in mental health and has a Master’s degree in Public Health from University of Helsinki. She works as a Consultant and Trainer for Gender Based Violence and Health in the area of violence against women and elder abuse, mainly in EU level projects funded by European commission through Voiva -Empowering Old Age Coop.
The CEO of VoiVa, Päivi Helakallio-Ranta is a Bachelor of Social Sciences and a Mental Health Nurse and has a Master´s degree in Health Care Leadership in Crisis and Special Situations from Laurea University of Applied Sciences. She works as a Senior Coordinator for Suvanto – For a Safe Old Age, a specialist NGO focusing on elder abuse, overseeing and developing client and peer support activities.
The Co-founder and Project Manager of VoiVa, Henriikka Laurola has Master’s degrees in Gender Studies from Birkbeck, University of London and in International Development from Utrecht University. Additionally she has completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Social and Public Policy in University of Helsinki. Specialising early on in topics of ageing and health, her working history includes over 10 years of coordinating national and EU-funded projects for the prevention of violence and for the improvement of health and social care services. She has also worked as a Junior Researcher for the International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC). Currently Henriikka works as a Project Coordinator in a Finnish non-profit Maria Academy developing support services for groups e.g. informal carers as well as parents.