‘My Human Rights, My Well-Being’ booklet has been published

This booklet, by our Erasmus+ funded Two Moons project is a collection of stories from older people with a shared common theme: infringements of older people’s human rights as protected under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD). The stories, three from each country, Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania, cover a range of situations that older people universally encounter in their day to day life.The booklet also includes practical information about how to report human rights violations and which organisations to contact for support. Please download the booklet here.

My Human Rights, My Well-Being Booklet is one of four resources being developed by Two Moons – a two years Erasmus Plus funded project. The main objective of Two Moons is to design accessible education resources to support older people’s learning in the field of human rights. Knowing about human rights can empower older people to speak up and challenge poor treatment and demand better services.