VoiVa participated in the #AgeingEqual campaign with blog posts

Since October 1st, VoiVa has been taking part in the #AgeingEqual campaign by AGE Platform Europe. The campaign celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, raises awareness of the magnitude and gravity of ageism and aims to establish a lasting community and platform for action against ageism.  The theme of the campaign this week has been ageism and abuse. In VoiVa’s projects (Whosefva, Tisova and Two Moons) the training of health and social care professionals is based on older people’s human rights and professionals are taught to also identify ageism. VoiVa took part in the #AgeingEqual campaign by writing two blog posts:

Combating elder abuse requires to promote older people’s human rights

Preventing elder abuse: educational resources from collaborative projects