The Two Moons partnership launched its first output, the booklet
“My Human Rights, My Well-Being: Older People’s Experiences” in
four languages as part of Un International Day of Older People on
1 October 2019. The booklet collates stories illustrating how the human rights of older people are infringed using experiences of older people in the four participating countries. Stories have been collected through interviews and focus groups, and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities used as a framework for illustrating infringements and in this way make human rights relevant to the lives of older people, policy-makers and service providers.
The 2 Moons partnership is now engaged in the development of the 2nd project output: “Our Stories: Human Rights and Older People in Europe- a documentary theatre script”. This output focuses on developing a script from six stories that highlight human rights infringements experienced by older people.
Read the full newsletter here.